Collection: Herbalize StoreΒ΄s Dry Herb Vaporizer Blog
Volcano Classic Review
You have a lot of choices when it comes to a vaporizer for your dry herbs, oils and waxes. You could go the old-fashioned route with a pipe, choose a pen, go with something portable or you can go with the one electronic vaporizer that started it all β the Volcano Classic.
Magic Flight Box Review
The Magic Flight Box, aka the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer, was released in May, 2009 by Magic-Flight in California and is different from most of the other portable dried herb vaporizers in design.
Arizer Solo 2 Review
The Arizer Solo 2 is a portable dry herb vaporizer that has been on the market for a while and it comes from Canadian manufacturer Arizer, who is known for building solid, reliable vaporizers. Find out everything you need to know here!
G Pen Pro Review
The G Pen Pro is a solid, compact and affordable portable vaporizer that gives a tasty vapour and a long battery life. Let's take a closer look.
Arizer ArGo Review
Curious about the ArGo? Here's our review of the Arizer ArGo and our experience with it. The ArGo is a small vape with a lot of power.Β It produces good clouds as it combines conduction and convection heating. That is not all, what's really impressive about the ArGo is. . .
The Kandy Pens Series
KandyPens have risen in popularity with their series of pen vaporizers. These vapes cover dry herb, concentrate, wax, and basically anything else you'd want to use. Yes this means you need a different pen to use different materials, but the upside is a very sleek, portable vape that's very good at what it does.